Submission Guidelines and Information (Please read)

All Your Poems (Magazine)

We accept Poetry Modern and Traditional, if you have accompanying sketches or pictures please attach them as jpg. files.

A maximum of 4 poems on any subject should be sent at any one time.

All pages need to be numbered and show name and email address. In MS Word not PDF.

A short bio and picture must be attached to your submission.

We do not reject any submissions, if not selected they are held over for consideration to be published in a forthcoming issue.

We are a non-profit publication.

If your submission is accepted for publication you will receive a free online copy of the magazine which you can download.

We do not claim copyright.

We do not accept or publish anything of a sexually explicit nature or erotica.

This magazine aims to give new and experienced poets an opportunity to be published. 

Submission deadline 18th September for the October issue.


ISSN 2977-3814 (Print)

ISSN 2977-3822 (Online)

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