
Message from the Editor of All Your Poems Magazine


As we work towards our fourth issues of All Your Poems and All Your Stories, I as editor would like to thank everyone who takes the time to submit their work.

In order to keep the magazines up and running we need to promote by sharing and purchasing the issues. It would also be great to see some more reviews on Amazon. If few people read them we are all spending too much time and effort on producing what everyone who reads these awesome magazines confirms they are a great read.

So promote your published work for these not for profit magazines and lets keep the magazine alive!

Thank you.

Here are the links.

All Your Poems.

All Your Stories

And the book and magazine store here.

The Writers Publishing Company

Calling all Poetry Lovers

Do you enjoy poetry and prose? Then you are in luck. We publish a poetry magazine bi-monthly which showcases all forms of poetry from around the world.

Why not go to Amazon and get your copy now. It is available in colour print, black and white print and for kindle.

Click here to purchase the latest edition

Click here to purchase the whole series